V-Fit Stb/09-2 Herculean Folding Weight Bench - -

173.99 GBP

Save a fortune at the gym with the V-Fit Herculean STB/09-2 folding weight bench. You can kiss goodbye to expensive gym membership because this offers a versatile range of great workouts, including bench press, leg extension, back leg curls, crunches and knee raise exercises. With a three-position incline backrest and foam rollers to support the knees, you can work out in comfort to build your preferred muscle groups. It comes with a removable pec dec that's perfect for building that eye-catching Mr Universe chest you've always wanted. It folds away easily too so it won't take up too much space. Useful info: V-Fit Herculean STB/09-2 Folding Weight Bench Assembled dimensions: H 107.5, W 103.5, L 138 cm Max user weight :115kg (18 stone) Max loadings: barbell stand: 120kg; leg extension and pec-dec: 25kg Frame folds for easy storage
